Art Gallery
When I started working on this website, I never anticipated that it would one day contain a section devoted to drawings and paintings of Central SMT buses. That it now does speaks volumes on the strength of the memories evoked by the company, and of course on the talent of my fellow enthusiasts!
 | Bristol Lodekka B111 sits at Muirkirk Depot - see article in Special Features section. Drawn by Stuart Thomson. |  | Leopard T75 is pictured in its home base of Muirkirk - see article in Your Memories section. Drawn by Stuart Thomson. |  | A fine watercolour showing a Titan, Lodekka and Leopard at Old Kilpatrick. Painted by Alan Blair. |
| This drawing shows former T320 running for Clydeside 2000 as their 468. Drawn by Colin Devine. | | And this is ex-Eastern Scottish Seddon / Plaxton USX969V (SP28). Drawn by Colin Devine. | | |
And a different style of drawing from Adrian Cains, who has again captured the 'feel' of the vehicles rather well :-